Donald Trump Bans Members From Mar-a-Lago Club!

Trump and Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, mulling over their next move at Mar-a-Lago after North Korea fired a missile that traveled 300 miles toward Japan (via Facebook)

War refugees aren’t the only ones at the receiving end of a Donald Trump ban.

The president has banned members of his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach from the property through this weekend.

Can’t get dinner.

Can’t even get a drink at the bar.

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The move comes after intelligence experts criticized Trump for preparing his response to the firing of a test missile by North Korea Feb. 12 while dining among club members and their guests.

The ban hasn’t been announced officially, but club members who’ve been trying to get a restaurant reservation have been told they’ll have to wait until Trump is gone Sunday afternoon.

By the way, membership costs $15,000 a year after an initiation fee upped to $200,000 after Trump was sworn in.

“We are pissed off to no end,” said one member who asked that his name not be used. The 66-year-old businessman said he fears being shunned by Trump if he talks to the press.

“I personally paid $100,000 years ago to join and I go to dinner at Mar-a-Lago every Saturday.

[vc_btn title=”Continue reading” style=”outline” color=”primary” link=”|title:Continue%20reading|target:%20_blank|”][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”blue”]By Jose Lambiet,, excerpt posted on, Feb. 18, 2017 [/vc_message]


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