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Broward Health Gawkers!

Broward Health Gawkers

Too often too many of us carefully stand on the sidelines hurling criticisms at the players (in this case usually the Board Members) without offering any constructive solutions to the problems presented.

I would like to dedicate this post to some suggestions and perhaps, some superficial arguments on their behalf.  However, do not judge the suggestions merely on my supporting superficial arguments that by necessity must be uncharacteristically short.  Each suggestion could be a post entirely in itself.

Governmental Representation

However well intentioned, the Board of Commissioners – lacking any intuitional memory, should never have replaced their governmental counsel with compliance counsel.  Moreover, based on past District history, inside counsel versus a multi-disciplined outside firm has never worked for Broward Health.

Currently, Broward Health is misusing the highly respected Berger-Singerman governmental law firm.  Contrary to the current arrangements with the ‘Audit’ committee, Berger-Singerman should be retained by the Board through their general counsel to provide governmental advice to the Board.  Florida’s Attorney General has demanded 5 million from the District, which means the public – and we need to be both defended and protected.  Discussions in anticipation of litigation are generally and appropriately held in the shade.

Faith Based Events

The Board of Commissioners need the advice of a Governmental Lawyer – Like Sam Goren, Mitchell Burger is one of the best.  Let him continue to help the District, but elevate his assistance to the Board level.

[vc_btn title=”More Broward Health Gawkers” style=”outline” color=”primary” size=”lg” align=”left” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.brwdhealth.com%2F2016%2F03%2Fbroward-health-gawkers%2F|title:More%20Broward%20Health%20Gawkers|target:%20_blank”] [vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”turquoise”]By Dan Lewis, BrwdHealth.com, for SouthFloridaReporter.com, Mar. 29, 2016 

The opinions expressed by Dan Lewis are strictly his own and do not necessarily reflect those of the SouthFloridaReporter[/vc_message] [vc_message message_box_color=”green”]

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Dan Lewis of Strategic Technologies Research, Inc., in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is a former elected Miramar commissioner, Chair of the Broward County Charter Review Commission as well as many City, School Board and County public advisory boards over the last three decades. The opinions expressed here are his own and not that of SouthFloridaReporter.