Home Today Is An Hour Long Soak At 104 Degrees Equals Doing 40 Sit Ups...

An Hour Long Soak At 104 Degrees Equals Doing 40 Sit Ups Or A 30 Minute Walk

On a cold winters day, relaxing in a nice warm/hot bubble bath sounds like the perfect way to commemorate National Bubble Bath Day, which is celebrated annually on January 8th.

  • The bubbles on top of the water (also known as foam bath or foaming bath) insulate the bathwater, keeping it warmer for a more extended period. 
  • In 1961, Mr. Harold Schafer and the Gold Seal Company of North Dakota, USA, founded Mr. Bubble.
  • According to the AC Nielsen Data, Mr. Bubble is the #1 brand of bath products in the United States.
  • In 2011 it celebrated its 50th birthday. Mr. Bubble is a brand of bath products made by The Village Company.
  • The brand’s slogan is “Makes Getting Clean Almost as Much Fun as Getting Dirty!”
  • Dermatologists and skin experts have confirmed that ‘feel-good’ hormones – endorphins – are released when you bathe, similar to that feeling when you’re laying down on the beach enjoying all the warmth of the summer weather.
  • An hour long soak at 104 degrees can burn on average 130 calories, which is the equivalent of doing 40 sit ups or walking for half an hour.
  • Did you know baths can make your heart actually pump faster? As the heart plays a vital role in trying to cool the body down, it has to work harder in a hot bath – not only exercising the heart but also great for the body’s general blood flow.
  • Bubble baths are good for some “you” time, and you can focus purely on yourself and ignore all the stressful things going on outside of your bathroom.
  • Additionally, warm baths stimulate the production of serotonin, the chemical in the brain associated with happiness. These phenomena are only heightened by uses of bath salts, essential oils, and other means of aromatherapy.
  • Taking a bath may help you to breathe easier.  Being immersed in water past your chest with your head out, can have a good influence on your lung capacity and oxygen intake. There are two factors that contribute to this; the temperature of the water and the pressure the water places on your chest and lungs. When the water is warmer and your heart is beating faster, your oxygen intake can be improved and the steam created can clear your sinuses and chest.
  • Bathing can benefit your muscles, joints and bones.  Stretching and moving in water has been shown to be low impact on the joints, muscles and bones, but very effective in providing an adequate workout through resistance.
  • Conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome and some fertility issues can be assisted by bathing in colder temperatures. Hormones released by the pituitary gland such as adrenocorticotropic hormone or ACTH and other hormones such as beta endorphinand cortisol can become more balanced.


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