Home Articles A Few Critical Insights About Noise Cancellation Technologies

A Few Critical Insights About Noise Cancellation Technologies


You don’t need studies to tell you how loud or continuous noise hampers your health because you may have already figured it out.

Modern technological advances refer to the term ambient noise often. What does it mean? It’s the decibel (dB) sound or the level of sound that you and everyone else hear. Experts warn that any sound exceeding the ambient level can lead to hearing impairment due to prolonged exposure. Your ears sense the vibrations that create sound. You refer to it as noise when it interferes with your conversations or sound sleep. To understand the favorable or unfavorable levels of sound in an environment, the experts have measured and established a set of reference points to simplify things.

For instance, a residential area’s ambient level can be 55 dB in the daytime and 45dB at night. When it reaches 70dB, it’s the peak of the noise. Commercial setups can have 65 dB during the day and 55 dB at night. The industrial area’s ambient level is higher at 75 and 70 dB, respectively.

In a silent zone, ambient sound levels can be between 50 and 45. No matter the environment, when the sound level exceeds its range, people face different health challenges, such as hearing loss, headaches, and more. That’s why maintaining a good noise range is essential regardless of everything. How do you achieve this? Ambient noise cancellation products can help. Let’s explore the working of noise-canceling technology for a better understanding.

Noise cancellation system

According to CTN News, When you install a reliable noise-canceling product, it removes or decreases unpleasant noises through certain sound waves. The anti-noise phenomenon uses a 180-degree sound wave different from the captured sound so that the two waves influence each other, reducing the overall noise levels. The anti-sound wavelength works through headphones and speakers synching with any user’s audio content, which can be a podcast or song. The technology leverages mathematical equations, where positive and negative integers impact one another to produce a good experience for a listener.

Suppose you work in a co-working space that remains filled with crowd noise. If you have to attend an online meeting and desire to listen to the speaker’s voice without any disturbance, you can wear a pair of noise-canceling headphones to control the background noise.

Nevertheless, this solution is for personal use. More extensive settings require robust tech solutions covering a wide area efficiently. These include healthcare facilities, schools, insurance companies, call centers, law firms, government agencies, etc.

Working on a noise cancellation system

An effect called phase cancellation helps reduce or discard noise from an environment. As mentioned, the technology produces a distinct sound wave than the one in the ambiance in an equal amount but different shape. The waves match each other by valley, peak, compression, rarefaction, and amplitude in an inverted form. Generally, these devices come with smaller microphones on the outside that pick up the ambient sound for the processors to evaluate and neutralize them through speakers.

Active noise cancellation and noise suppression

When you discuss noise canceling options, you usually mean eliminating the active noise or sound. You come across active and passive noise-canceling technologies. While the first one removes the sound from an environment, the other method muffles it. Such electronic devices are digitally-powered and use software to counteract the noisy sounds from outside by releasing sound waves.

The system does its job while listeners focus on their tasks, unfazed by higher ambient sound levels. Well-designed products can reduce or erase 30 decibels of noise in a given setup. When used in low-frequency sound areas, where you listen to the constant murmurs of lawnmowers, jet engines, or so, you can expect the technology to decrease noise levels by almost 60 decibels on average.

According to some scholars, complete elimination of the noise may be unfavorable because workers or employees must also be aware of their surroundings. Hence, soundproofing methods like noise suppression can be better for them. Passive noise cancellation devices come with built-in noise suppression designs.

To simplify things, one can imagine using earmuffs consisting of sound-absorbing foam and rubber materials in different shapes, sizes, and forms. Nevertheless, even if a product reads noise cancellation (a popular term), you must understand that it only suppresses and doesn’t delete the noise.

Types of noise canceling methods

Most ANC or active noise cancellation products are either feedback, feedforward, or hybrid type. The feedback ANCs contain mics inside or pointing toward the wearer’s ears to absorb ambient sounds a listener hears. The chipset inside the ANC device adjusts the active noises to help a listener hear the desired sound. The chip gets accurate noise without any additional noise because of the appropriate seal.

On the other hand, feedforward designs are standard in earbuds because of their narrow designs. These devices contain exterior mics to capture ambient noise. While this device type can differentiate traffic and road noise, precision can be lacking because of the wind noise interference that amplifies the sound.

If you want something for a personal use case, a hybrid model powered by feedback and feedforward technologies can help. It will have internal and external microphones to represent ambient sound even better. Nevertheless, it is just an example to explain how noise-canceling devices work.

As mentioned earlier, larger or enterprise setups have different requirements. They use the same technology, but their methodology, features, and operational style differ vastly. These are high-tech items.

Noise-canceling technology can cater to high-traffic and busy environments like hospitals, banks and law firms. These need commercial-grade devices, though.

Make your establishment smart by leveraging the latest and evolved technologies that transform the environment for the better. You will start noticing the impact when everything goes smoothly, and the number of noise complaints decreases.