Home Consumer Pantone Names ‘Ultra Violet’ 2018’s Color of the Year (Video)

Pantone Names ‘Ultra Violet’ 2018’s Color of the Year (Video)

Image: Pantone

Fans of Prince are convinced that Pantone’s Color of the Year is a tribute to their favorite artist. Keri Lumm (@thekerilumm) shares their reactions.

Time to retire your green apparel inspired by 2017’s color of the year: The color experts at Pantone have chosen a new shade to represent 2018. As The New York Times reports, trend followers can expect to see Ultra Violet popping up on runways in coming months.

The decision was made after Pantone scattered a team around the world to search current street styles, high fashion, art, and popular travel destinations for the up-and-coming “it” color. The brand describes the winner, PANTONE 18-3838, as “a dramatically provocative and thoughtful purple shade.”

Fashion plays a large part in the selection of the color of the year, but Pantone also considers the broader socio-political atmosphere. Some may see Ultra Violet as a nod to our stormy political climate, but the company’s announcement cast it in a more optimistic light.

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