Alonzo Mourning: I Want My Snack Money, All $600,000 Of It!!

Alonzo Mourning says he got ripped off by a vending machine company to the tune of $600K (via

Miami Heat great Alonzo Mourning may be headed to a different kind of court this summer, a court of law.

Mourning, 47, filed a lawsuit against a Miami vending machine company that, he claims, reneged on a contract to have his face on health and organic food machine throughout the area.

According to the complaint, Mourning’s 2014 contract with Gilly National was for a maximum $671,540, including incentives over the course of five years.

The former center claims Gilly made three payments for a total $82,500 then quit.

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Miami-Dade County Circuit Court Judge Antonio Arzola has set the trial for three days starting Aug. 10, if the parties continue to refuse to settle.

[vc_btn title=”Continue reading” style=”outline” color=”primary” link=”|title:Continue%20reading|target:%20_blank|”][vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”blue”]By Jose Lambiet,, excerpt posted on, May 5, 2017[/vc_message]