Don’t Rule County Commissioner Stacy Ritter Out for Tourism Job

Stacy Ritter tourism
Stacy Ritter

When Nicki Grossman was appointed Broward County’s tourism director in 1995, her primary experience was that she had been a county commissioner.

So it is hypocritical to hear today that County Commissioner Stacy Ritter is not suitable to be Grossman’s replacement because she is not a tourism professional.

By every account, Grossman has done a wonderful job as tourism chief of Broward. I believe one of the reasons is what I’ve argued in print and on television —  the tourism director is a job that demands a significant amount of political skills. That is something that Grossman brought to the job and Ritter will, too.

You can buy professional experience, maybe as a second-in-command. You can’t buy political experience and knowledge of the community.

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