Home Business How Will You Celebrate National Drive-Thru Day?

How Will You Celebrate National Drive-Thru Day?

National Drive-Thru Day

National Drive-Thru Day is observed annually on July 24th.  The drive-thru is the iconic measure of convenience.  People have enjoyed this service since the 1930s.

Did you know:

  • There are more than 224,000 fast food restaurants in the United States.
  • The drive-thru format was pioneered in the United States for banking services.
  • Hamburgers sold for just 18 cents at some of the first drive-thru restaurants.
  • Restaurants, coffee shops, liquor stores, pharmacies and many more services utilize drive-thrus for quick service.


Enjoy National Drive-Thru Day in all the drive-thru’s that you utilize! Post on social media using #NationalDriveThruDay to encourage others to join in.


America’s first drive-thru burger chain, Jack in the Box, created National Drive-Thru Day to celebrate America’s love of convenience by vehicle.

The US Census adds, Today’s occasion celebrates not so much the menu, but the popularity of restaurants that serve customers on the go. The first such service is believed to have been at Red’s Giant Hamburg on Route 66 in Springfield, Missouri, in 1947. The following year, the concept was expanded by the In N Out Burger restaurants in California. At the time, drive-in restaurants were very popular. The serving staff – some even on roller skates – brought food to stationary cars, with the meal set on a tray attached to the car. Today, drive-throughs are a feature of many of the more than 224,000 fast food restaurants in the U.S., which employ over 3.5 million people, and generate more than $185 billion in sales each year.

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