Home Entertainment Watch Harrison Ford Narrowly Miss Crashing Into A 737

Watch Harrison Ford Narrowly Miss Crashing Into A 737

harrison ford
Harrison Ford was involved in a near-miss at John Wayne Airport in Orange County (Picture: AP)

Authorities at California’s John Wayne Airport have released video showing just how close Harrison Ford came to a fiery, mid-air disaster during a botched landing. You’ll see Ford’s single engine plane pass just feet above an American Airlines 737.

Ford’s near-miss took place last Monday when he was landing his small plane at John Wayne Airport in Orange County. The 74-year-old Ford, landed on the taxiway and narrowly missed the American Airlines 737 awaiting takeoff.


[vc_message message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”blue”]Video from AP via Inform.com[/vc_message]